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Cecile Long Best Selling Book

Discover the Secrets of Ancient Egypt in 'I Drew Him from Water

“A Riveting Journey Through Time, Unraveling the Mysteries of Moses and the Plagues That Shook a Nation”

About the Book:

A stranger by the name of Moses has recently appeared in Goshen, Egypt. Is this the Moses of old, the one who committed murder and ran? Why has Moses not announced himself to the people of Ramses, as is the custom?

Marissa an anchor of ET News, Rameses, Egypt, has been assigned to do a documentary on Moses. Her news reporter instinct tells her trouble is just around the corner, for she has that familiar stirring of dissatisfaction, trouble in her soul.

Pharaoh, the Lord of Egypt, finds himself doing battle with Moses because He won’t let God’s people leave Egypt. In the eyes of the Egyptians, Pharaoh is being harassed by Moses and his unknown God. To gain her Emmy and protect her beloved Pharaoh, Marissa will do whatever it takes to hear Pharaoh decree Moses’ death.

How did the people of Egypt become victims of ten plagues? How did the Hebrews become healthy and wealthy? When will it all end?

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